A week ago I asked you guys to put forward blogs you though deserved to be in my top ten bloggers to watch list, be they yours or others, and you certainly complied! I have put together a list of my top ten but if you are not included, don’t worry, there were a lot of others to contend with. I will be tweeting endorsements of the blogs I don’t include (@EmilyBookaholic) so watch out for yours! This list is in no particular order, sorry number one but you’re equal to number ten but you can pretend to be extra special if you like. Here are the first five!
1. Lesser-Known Gems
1. Lesser-Known Gems

Everyone who follows me at Confessions of a Bookaholic knows that I love classics so of course I'm going to love a blog that highlights the more obscure classics out there and Marcelle's blog, Lesser-Known Gems does just that. I am a huge fan of Charlotte Bronte, I despise Emily Bronte and I have read nothing of Anne Bronte therefore Marcelle's focus upon the lesser known sister really interests me! Anyone who loves classics and obscure books like me should definitely.
2. Chick Lit Chickadees
Chick Lit Chickadees is an adorable blog that is run by Elizabeth and Lindsey, they review a great variety of books from chick lit to YA, I recently read their review of Poison Study and discovered that I have very similar tastes to Lindsey which was great! Check out their blog if you like well written and interesting reviews.
3. One Curvy Blogger

One Curvy Blogger is a book blog run by Sarah. We don't have that many books in common, however, I LOVED her blog design - look at that header! - and also found out that there is a sequel to This is not a Test by Courtney Summers through her review of the first book. Anyone who can give me such exciting news has to be featured in my top ten!
4. Kookie Krysp Reads

5. Living for the Books

Couldn't find your blog on my list? Maybe you will be one of the five who will be featured next time! Remember if you don't get featured I will still publicise for you in the twitterverse. For now, please share, repost and tell your friends about my blogger spotlight, it's always great to help out our fellow bloggers after all!
If you have been featured today I recommend sharing my post on your own blog to show your followers that you've been chosen as well as letting them know about the others who were picked - you can take the whole post if you like, just make sure to link back and credit it to me.
11 People dared to comment.:
thanks for this post!
I have now followed one curvy blogger and couldnt believe i didnt know about this blog x
em @ www.afternoonbookery.com x
I'm glad to have helped you discover a new blog!!
Always looking for inspiration from established book bloggers. Thanks!
I agree there!
Already thanked you one Twitter, but I wanted to come over here and thank you again for including me in this list. Made my day! :D
Oh I'm so glad!
I just love Krystle from Kookie Krysp! So glad to see her on the list and find some new (to me!) bloggers to follow!
Amazing list. Found some amazing blogs. So happy for krystle.
I'm glad you liked it guys!
Very nice! I missed the opportunity to submit my blog, but I'm really happy for the others. Hopefully there will be a next time? Congrats to all who made the list! Awesome!
Oh my goodness, I didn't even know I was featured on this until I ran across your tweet. What a sweet thing to say! The second book in the This Is Not A Test series is supposedly told in the male mc's character. I believe it's exclusively an ebook, but I can't wait to read it. Thank you for including me! <3
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Note: This blog is an award free zone, you commenting and following is reward enough!