Cover Clash (2)

Thursday, 16 August 2012

We all know how obsessed I am with covers and you must know the horrible moment when you realize the stunning cover you've been admiring for months is in fact another countries cover. I know I've been shocked when I receive my Amazon order and the book is ugly when I was expecting pretty. This feature will compare book covers from different countries as well as remakes and you can vote for your favorites. I just finished The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda, he has an unfortunate name but I enjoyed the book. Here are the covers:

The Hunt (The Hunt, #1)The Hunt
Unknown                      UK    
The Hunt (The Hunt, #1)La Caza (The Hunt, #1)
  US                           Spain
Personally I'm not a huge fan of any of the covers but I like some much better than others. I own the UK cover so it's the one I'm used too. I like how the words are made to look like they're painted in blood but the guy is a bit of a turn off. He's supposed to look like a teenager but really he looks way older than that. Also it has the vampires in the background who I originally mistook for zombies. They look so savage and lifeless when really the vamps are smart and apart from their eating habits and a couple of other things act very similar to humans. The cover is misleading in that sense. I like the whole ripped effect of the US cover but look they have the monsters on the bottom again. I do like the people stood on the cliff though. The Spanish cover is just very boring. It has a guy staring at you. I don't see what that's supposed to show except that he's creepy. My favorite has to be the first one. I haven't seen it around nor do I know where it comes from but I do like it. I don't normally like orange but I love that colour. Also the guy looks teenagerish and he has the hair falling in his face like he's described to have. The cover is very fiery and seems to fit the story a lot better.

Which do you like best? Tell me why!

Email me at: confessionsofabookaholic@LIVE.CO.UK

2 People dared to comment.:

Elisa said...

I think I would be drawn to the US one, the random looks like a thriller/mystery without paranormal. I like the target type coloring with the ripped paper of the US. It draws the eye, though you can't really tell what is going on because they look in control and winning on higher ground.
I will have to look up that book, sounds good.

Unknown said...

Saw your post on Goodreads and came to check you out! I think your blog is great, I'm now following you on GFC and email.

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